Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Mustache-eep 03.22.11

I left the flock untended for such a long time, that THIS happened! Look at that 'stache! Look at that monstrous caterpillar rocking the sheep's little snout! Does it make him less likely to be sheared when I need a new wool sweater? Probably not. Does it make him look more awesome? Definitely yes.

Mustache Sheep is inspired by and dedicated to THIS GUY:

Evan Fjeld is a graduating senior (2011) at the University of Vermont and one of the best players ballin' at UVM, and he's basically a badass in every way. He grew this beastly mustache way back in November to raise money for cancer research, but when the team rallied behind the 'stache and started #winning all day, he kept the fine and manly trophy proudly displayed on his upper lip for months.

Also, who doesn't love a glorious mustache?