Apple. Face. Hat. Ocean and wall. It's so artistic, but WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN?! Nobody knows. Except... the flock. This particular sheep really enjoys apples, so he is about to partake in a delicious snack. He's having a terrible wool day, hence the apple in front of his face & the hat. He's slightly embarrassed (though I don't know why--sheep's hot as shit), which is also why he is dressed to the nines in a lovely suit. Boom. Explained.
5th in the series, Famous Paintings the Way They Were Intended to Be: The Son of Sheep is inspired by and dedicated to Rene Magritte, the Belgian surrealist painter..
And, be honest now... when I said "Belgian", the FIRST thing you thought of was waffles, wasn't it? Yea. You know that it was.