Friday, August 6, 2010
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
A Very Potter Sheep 07.26.10
(My mobile uploading wasn't working yesterday, so the dates are different... AHcrisis.)
Draco Malfoy: "Now you're just being cute. I CAN'T GO TO PIGFARTS. IT'S ON MAAARS, YOU NEED A ROCKETSHIP. Do you have a rocketship, Potter? I bet you do. You know, not all of us inherited enough money to buy out NASA when our parents died; Look at this. Rocketship Potter. Starkid Potter. Moonshoes Potter. TRAVERSING THE GALAXY FOR INTERGALATIC TRAVELS TO PIGFARTS."
So... there's this supermegafoxyawesomehot thing called A Very Potter Musical--and it is fantastic. And not just normal fantastic. Like, imagine Christopher Eccleston saying "Fantastic!" in that way that he does, and it is THAT fantastic. Seriously.
Then, as if THAT amount of awesome didn't make me absolutely kick the bag, they made a SEQUEL, which was JUST as amazing and fantastic and supermegafoxyawesomehot.
"That's Lavender Brown! RACIST SISTER!"
Monday, July 19, 2010
Unmotivated Sheep 07.16.10
Here's a personal fact about me: I LOVE to sleep. Love it. It is my favorite activity. For instance, I had a day off of ALL work on Wednesday, and I slept straight through from about midnight to 1:30 in the afternoon without waking up once in between. It was awesome.
However, that happens very rarely, as I typically work every morning, and often find myself wrangled into activities on weekends. So, this sheep was an artistic representation of my selfish want to sleep in my comfy bed for long periods of time.
*Sigh* Ah, well. What is the imagination for if not to dream?
Scratch Paper Sheep 07.08.10
SCRATCH PAPER SHEEP! a.k.a. what happens when Becca works 3 jobs at a time, and only has the time/energy/materials to create... well, this.
I had a Mon-Fri job working pony camp, teaching small children the correct way to not fall off a horse, from 8:30-12, then a half hour drive home to change clothes and go to ANOTHER Mon-Fri job from 1-5, THEN traveled to my housesitting assignment. Oh. My. God.
But here's a life lesson, kids. It's true that money doesn't bring happiness. I made BANK that week, but it was a miserable frickin week. Like fo' rizz. No fun. So there's the lesson: it doesn't matter how much money you make, if you can't get enjoyment out of life, those silly paper bills aren't worth shit...
Monday, July 5, 2010
Highwire Sheep
Another PAINT sheep :) Highwire Sheep, inspired by and dedicated to:
In case you're wondering, it's kind of part of my job :) Funds development. The corp that hired me is sponsoring Circus Smirkus to come to Mt. Greylock Regional High School in Williamstown, MA at 1:00 and 6:00 pm on July 11th, and at 1:00 and 7:00 pm on July 12th :D You should come. for info. I love it. You'll love it. Everyone should love it.
American Gosheep 06.28.10
This one doesn't have as great of a play-on-sheep-words as some of my other, but this was suggested by my aunt and I thought it might be fun to draw :)
This is what is was based off of:
You would not BELIEVE how hard it is to transmit those facial expressions to sheep. (Very hard.)
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Pirate Sheep 06.26.10
Get it? Pirate sheep? Like ship, only with an extended (i) vowel? Like arg me mateeeeeeey, I'm on a pyrit sheeeeeeeeep!
WOW! That joke fell flatter than a pancake on an ironing board...
This was inspired by a Pirates of the Caribbean marathon, and I (like so many) was taken in by the charming appeal of the pirates... their rougish attitudes, their sexy hair-dos, the way that they would risk... well... not all that much to save each other.
And then I thought to myself, "Wait... these 'bad guys' who are trying to kill all pirates... aren't they doing so because the pirates just ROBBED AND KILLED THEIR FAMILIES?"
Breaking and entering and manslaughter charges aside, pirates in real life aren't really anything like in the movie... except they do have guns and they're probably pretty dirty. But I'm betting its not the romantic Carribean life that the box office makes it out to be...
It's settled, then... JOHNNY DEPP! Go be a sexy pirate somewhere out on the ocean.
Friday, June 25, 2010
Sheepen Colbert 06.25.10
...Yes. This is Stephen Colbert as a highly patriotic, fashionable, eyebrow-wiggling sheep with great hair.
And yes... that IS a WRISTSTRONG bracelet on his cannon (which in sheep language is his wrist. Look at that--you learned something!)
If you REALLY need to look up info on Stephen Colbert because you don't know who he is, first go to Google. Then go to a doctor, because you have a severe case of loseritis, and you'll need to take some Awesomacillin.
If you need to look up info on Stephen Colbert because you like to know things about him, great! ... But remember, personal education stops at least 100 yards away from celebrities' houses. Any closer and you might have to google in the back of a police car.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
Today's match of US v Algeria? USA pulls out one of the most amazing goals of this year's World Cup by breaking the 0-0 tie that had lasted all game in the last remaining minutes. It. Was. AWESOME!!!!!!!!
Office Sheep 06.15.10
So, I have a real job now... in, like, an office. Therefore... OFFICE SHEEP. Totally professional.
See? He's wearing glasses, and there's papers everywhere, and he even has a calculator. So professional.
(It's actually drawn in my dad's office, because I had taken it over for the day. Love you Dad!)
Scuba Sheep 06.09.10
Yea, so I can't pull off a Jamaican accent even on the internet. So what?
Imagine this guy singing it:
Or, for a laugh, this guy....
For optimal laughage, find a buddy who's good at PhotoShop and make a Justabastian Bieber hybrid.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Summer Sheep 05.19.10
Sheep of Epic Proportions 05.14.10
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Studying for Finals, Sheep?
I am quite inspired to go lay out in the sun, except Vermont weather follows a pattern all its own. It's sort of like this:
-sun! (2 minutes) CLOOOUUUUDDDDSSSSS (4 minutes) sun! (1.76 minutes) windwindwindwind (1 minute) sun! (7 minutes)
You get the metaphorical picture. It's just a little erratic. (Not the other word that looks like that. I know some of you were thinking it.) So I created a sheep to live out my dream... sleeping in a bed of grass under a warm sun.
Also we created a joke to go with it!
What do sheep count to help them fall asleep?
Sheep Says Pretty Please 05.05.10
Heyyy magical date. 5+5=10 woaahh.
Anyway, this day's sheep-that-doesn't-include-a-sheep is pretty self-explanatory.....
There is a sheepist somewhere in my building that is determined to exterminate my sheep. This was a plea to them to stop. It may have worked, because we haven't suffered another casualty so far... knock on wood...
(This was actually created after Musical Sheep was brutally murdered, but I don't know how to re-order my blogs, so.... I moved it to the 5th :) Still good? ... Don't judge me...)
Monday, May 3, 2010
Finals Sheep 05.03.10
**Finals Sheep will probably reign for quite a few days. If I do make more sheep before the end of the year, they will most likely relate to finals.**
In honor of the first Monday of the week that starts finals, it is...
Isn't he glorious? (Some people actually look like this by the end of finals. Or by the day before. Depending on how many bargain-variety "Cup O' Noodles XXL" (I might try and get that idea sold) they consumed... I also really like the idea of the Monster 80-pack.
So, good luck on finals everybody!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Musical Sheep 04.30.10
The song depicted on Musical Sheep is Johann Pachelbel's "Canon in D Major" which is truly one of my favorite pieces of classical music.
Tragically, Musical Sheep followed in the footsteps of British Sheep, the dog in Firesheep Sheep, and a few of our other fallen brethren, and he was brutally "swiped"-out last night. He passed away early this morning. He will be missed, but luckily we will always have this portrait to remember him by...
Monday, April 26, 2010
Firesheep Sheep 04.26.10
Hooray for Firesheep Sheep, here to save the day with its a-MAZING firesheep dalmatian! Together they are a formidable duo, heroes on a daily basis!
This sheep is inspired by and dedicated to the brave firemen & women of our country; professional, volunteer, and in-training. I respect and admire them so much, because I know what it takes to dash into a burning building (I did it once, and I can tell you this, I NEVER want to do it again.) Also, this is partially dedicated to my big brother, who when he was 5, really wanted to be a fireman.
Also partially dedicated to Wills Hall... who had another fire alarm tonight. Probably the 4th or 5th this year, and there hasn't actually been a single fire yet (knock on wood.)
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Spring Sheep 04.25.10
Spring Sheep is inspired by the beautiful weather Vermont manages to squeeze out every few weeks, but dedicate to Springfest, an annual music festival that rages at UVM for a few hours, leaving everyone hoarse, with numb arms from raving too hard, and stumbling with the slightest of contact highs. The bass was pumping from about 10 in the morning until 530 or 6 at night. Luckily, I had a prime seat from my dorm room, and could watch hordes of students wildly leaping, cheering, singing along, crowd-surfing, and even donning mascot suits (a kangaroo and a dragon).
Also, quick apology for the bad photography. I cut off the "G", but I'll assume that you might use your imagination to fill it in :)
Peace, Love, and Sheep 04.22.10
Happy Earth Day!! At my uber-green school in Vermont, Earth Day is kind of a big deal. It should be a big deal to EVERYONE, because if you've never noticed, the Earth is fairly important to our general survival. Fairly.
Good sites to check out:
This is partially dedicated to a friend by the name of Mike, who despite having attended the University of Vermont for 3 years so far, still harbors a grudge against the "god-damn dirty hippies".
NOTE: We at TDS do not harbor a grudge against any dirty hippies. In fact, we like them. Many of them are vegetarians, therefore do not eat us.
So "Peace, LOVE & Sheep" to you and yours, from me and mine <3
Friday, April 16, 2010
Sheep Go To Heaven 04.16.10
So, a few requests:
*If you love goats, do not be offended. I know some perfectly nice goats who deserve only the best afterlife.
*If you hate sheep, you should not necessarily be reading this blog.
*If you do not believe in heaven or hell, that is ok; I'm not sure if I do, either. HOWEVER, I believe strongly in Cake.
*If you DO believe in heaven and hell, to the point that it consumes your entire being... please do not hate me for insinuating that sheep and goats are making overpopulation an issue... there's room for all.
Monday, April 12, 2010
Who Sheep 04.12.10
Since I've been slacking off so much lately, I'm giving you TWO sheep for the price of one. Isn't that wicked exciting?
This sheep is inspired by, dedicated to, and drawn with love for, Doctor Who and David Tennant. (And, even though there is an eleventh doctor, David Tennant will always be my Doctor <3)>"Doctor Who is a British science fiction television programme produced by the BBC. The programme depicts the adventures of a mysterious, humanoid alien known as the Doctor who travels through time and space in his spacecraft, the TARDIS (an acronym for Time And Relative Dimensions In Space), which normally appears from the exterior to be a blue 1950s British police box. With his companions, he explores time and space, faces a variety of foes and rights wrongs.
The programme is listed in Guinness World Records as the longest-running science fiction television show in the world, and as the "most successful" science fiction series of all time, in terms of its overall broadcast ratings, DVD and book sales, iTunes traffic and "illegal downloads." It has been recognised for its imaginative stories, creative low-budget special effects during its original run, and pioneering use of electronic music (originally produced by the BBC Radiophonic Workshop). The show is a significant part of British popular culture; in the United Kingdom and elsewhere, it has become a cult television favourite and has influenced generations of British television professionals, many of whom grew up watching the series. It has received recognition from critics and the public as one of the finest British television programmes, including the BAFTA Award for Best Drama Series in 2006, and five consecutive wins at the National Television Awards since 2005, in the Drama category.
The programme originally ran from 1963 to 1989. After an unsuccessful attempt to revive regular production with a backdoor pilot in the form of a 1996 television film, the programme was successfully relaunched in 2005, produced in-house by BBC Wales in Cardiff. The first was produced by the BBC and series two and three of the new series had some development money contributed by the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), which was credited as a co-producer. Doctor Who also spawned spin-offs in multiple media, including the current television programmes Torchwood and The Sarah Jane Adventures, the standalone K-9 and a single 1981 pilot episode of K-9 and Company.
The Doctor has been played by eleven actors. The transition from one actor to another is written into the plot of the show as regeneration, whereby the character of the Doctor takes on a new body and, to some extent, new personality. Although each portrayal is different, and on occasion the various incarnations have even encountered one another, they are all meant to be aspects of the same character. The Doctor is currently portrayed by Matt Smith, who took up the role after David Tennant's final appearance in an episode broadcast on 1 January 2010. A fifth series of the relaunched programme returned on 3 April 2010, in which the Eleventh Doctor is accompanied by Amy Pond, portrayed by Karen Gillan. On 6 October 2009, a redesigned logo was unveiled which accompanies a redesign of the iconic TARDIS." (wikipedia)
Green Monster Sheep 04.12.10
Sorry, 'Sox fans, it's not THAT green monster. This is actually a different one... and if you don't get the reference... well... go pick up a book :)
I don't know what caused the interesting development of a sheep being created on my computer, rather than on a whiteboard, but I'm trying it out. Let's see what happens!!!! :O WOAH NEW STUFF!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Goffik Sheep 04.09.10
Or, he's a link for your convenience:
It's pretty awesome, I'm not going to lie. You don't even have to be a fan of Harry Potter OR the English language to enjoy the humor in this story. There are online dramatic readings, fanart, most-memorable quotes, drinking games, and pretty much anything you could think of that relates to this fanfiction.
It is widely believed that "Tara" is secretly an internet troll, and not a language-impaired 12-year old, but theories will circulate as they do. For cereal? Read part of that fan fiction.
Monday, April 5, 2010
Erase This Sheep 04.05.10
Skyball Master Sheep 04.01.10
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Skyball Sheep!! 03.27.10 (You can just SEE how much fun they're having!!)
Skyball stunts:
Other fun ways to use Skyball:
-in a raquetball court
-enclosed spaces
-Skyball darts (basically throwing it at a wall and trying to hit stuff)
-try to hit the ceiling in any large/tall room by bouncing it really high
March Madness Bracket Sheep 03.10
What would happen if there were massive sheep wars to see which sheep-team was the greatest? Well... it would look something like this.
This is inspired by and dedicated to, obviously, March Madness and the NCAA. As a dedicated member of the Vermont Pep Band, I got to be one of a lucky few that got to travel around the midwest attending Vermont's basketball games. In a stroke of amazing luck, both the men's AND women's basketball team won their respective America East championship. It was a good season for Vermont..... until the men hit Syracuse. Syracuse was the #1 seed, and Vermont was #16. Needless to say, the odds were not good for us... and no matter how much we cheered, the boys lost a hard-fought battle.
The women's team beat Wisconsin in the first round (a VERY exciting game) but couldn't hold off Notre Dame IN Notre Dame's stadium. It's hard to beat a team in their own stadium. But I'll say right out--Notre Dame fans are really nice and very polite.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Anatomically Incorrect Plush Sheep 3.14.10
My favorites still to this day are Cattail, a brown horse whose neck is longer than his body, his legs are teeeeeny weeny, his eyes are squinty and he has cheeks like a chipmunk. I love him. I don't have a picture, but you can roughly imagine what he looks like.
Then there's Pudge--
And a recent addition to the family = Shepp the Sheep. He looks kind of like those Serta "counting sheep" from the commercials.
Monday, March 1, 2010
Beatles Series #1: Abbey Road Sheep. 02.28.10
Abbey Road Sheep! This is the first of a Beatles Series, because they are still one of the best bands EVER.
"Abbey Road is the eleventh studio album by English rock band The Beatles. Though work on Abbey Road began in April 1969, making it the final album recorded by the band, Let It Be was the last album released before the Beatles' dissolution in 1970. Abbey Road was released on 26 September 1969 in the United Kingdom, and 1 October 1969 in the United States. It was produced and orchestrated by George Martin for Apple Records. Geoff Emerick was engineer, Alan Parsons was assistant engineer, and Tony Banks was tape operator.
Abbey Road is regarded as one of The Beatles' most tightly constructed albums, although the band was barely operating as a functioning unit at the time.[1][2] Rolling Stone magazine named it the 14th greatest album of all time,[3] even though the magazine initially gave the album a mixed reception: its 15 November 1969 issue features two very different reviews—a strongly negative one from Ed Ward, who particularly criticised its overproduction, and a rave review from John Mendelsohn." (wikipedia)
One of the greatest sins that can be committed is to answer "Who?" to the question, "You've heard of the Beatles, right?"
Sheep Drawn with My Eyes Closed. 02.26.10
I drew this sheep with my eyes closed, as you can probably believe.
I didn't really get the Princess-and-the-frog thing until I opened my eyes and looked right at it, though. I drew the sheep, and when I couldn't really think what else to depict, Kacy suggested "toad". Then, I imagined that it would still be a little empty, so I drew a heart.
Damn you, Disney. You've corrupted my brain. Damn you.
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Sno-Ballin' Sheep 02.24.10
You got RICKMAN'D, Sheep! 02.22.10
If you couldn't guess, this is an allusion to Rickrolling (and I have included a link to the Urban Dictionary definition, in case any of you souls are fortunate enough to have never been rickrolled... it's obnoxious.)
Another fun Rickrolling reference from : Heehee.
The explanation for this sheep is that one night (or morning) and roughly 2:00 AM when we were ordering wings, we got onto the topic of Alan Rickman. I expressed my distaste. Kacy expressed her horror that I could feel anything but love for him. It's not that don't appreciate him as an actor, it's just... he has a creeper voice. He will never NOT be kinda creepy to me. When he's portraying a creeper? He's AWESOME. Otherwise? ...........
Anyway--Kacy decided the best thing to do would be to FLOOD my Facebook wall with pictures of Alan Rickman... My newsfeed said "Kacy Van Clief has posted a link to your wall"... THIRTEEN TIMES. Therefore, I got Rickman'd. (I considered Rickmanrolled, but that was too much.)
One last thing: The most amusing video featuring Alan Rickman ever.
Do not disappoint me.
So, with all these videos, images, and cartoons, this can only mean one thing:
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Teaching Sheep 02.20.10
This is inspired by and dedicated to all the shitheads out there who can't understand that SOUP DOES NOT GO IN SINKS!!
There are many things that can go in sinks... water. Filtered water. Sparkling water. Toothpaste. Spat-water. Spam water. Hand soap. Spit. Wedding rings.
And then there are things that cannot. Like Alan Rickman.
and NOODLES!!!
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Mad Scientist Sheep Creations: Bearalrusquirrel!! 02.16.10
Mad Scientist Sheep Creation 1.2: Bear+Walrus+Squirrel = most terrifying and most annoying animal combination ever.
It will disembowel you until you are dead, then eat ALL (I repeat, all) of your fish, nuts, and honey! Even the fancy fish and nuts you were saving for the dinner party you now will NEVER host! HOW EVIL!!
I know this doesn't actually include a physical sheep, but it says the word "Sheep" after "mad" and "scientist" so I'm counting it. Bearalrussquirrel Not-So-Sheep is inspired by and dedicated to a very long and understimulating college course that forces me to doodle things like this.
What is your ONLY defense?? One of these... or one of these:
*Rock= hurts when it hits you
*Rock with rubber= hurts slightly less when it hits you
*Tennis ball= only bounces 25 feet. Failure.
*Scoby Ball= too young. Still a baby... See More
*Tennis ball with rockets= still not cool enough
*SKYBALL= AWESOME! Bounces up to 75 feet!
For those of slightly different mind:
*created Rock
*created Rubber, then told Man to put it on Rock
*created Tennis ball
*impregnated a Virgin who gave birth to a Scoby ball
*created Rockets, then told Man to put them on Tennis ball
*on the sixth day, He created Skyball
*then He rested, knowing He had created the epitome of awesome
Still inspired by and dedicated to the Pep Band <3